
The Pacifica Core services require two configuration files. The REST API utilizes CherryPy and review of their configuration documentation is recommended. The service configuration file is a INI formatted file containing configuration for database connections.

CherryPy Configuration File

An example of UniqueID server CherryPy configuration:

log.screen: True
log.access_file: 'access.log'
log.error_file: 'error.log'
server.socket_host: ''
server.socket_port: 8051

request.dispatch: cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher()
tools.response_headers.on: True
tools.response_headers.headers: [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]

Service Configuration File

The service configuration is an INI file and an example is as follows:

; This section contains database connection configuration

; peewee_url is defined as the URL PeeWee can consume.
peewee_url = sqliteext:///db.sqlite3

; connect_attempts are the number of times the service will attempt to
; connect to the database if unavailable.
connect_attempts = 10

; connect_wait are the number of seconds the service will wait between
; connection attempts until a successful connection to the database.
connect_wait = 20